Monday, September 20, 2010

Family Dessert

Early 90's kids.
Sam, Ben and me looking forward to some dessert.
Have you ever seen kids more excited about cookies?

Throughout childhood Mom and Dad were always trying to find times to get everyone together at the dinner table. However, when this means coordinating 9 kids schedules and your life is absolute pandemonium having a family meal is no easy task. So Mom creatively came up with an idea that on Wednesday nights (post church, swim practice and soccer) we would have "Family Dessert." 
After a few weeks Family Dessert became a huge hit. Even now, years later, on any given Wednesday you will find 20 or so young people crowding around the Reynolds table to delve into a delicious dessert. 

Nowadays getting everyone together isn't the issue; but, knowing what to make is! Imagine, being expected to perform week after week by providing a sweet treat for hungry teenagers-- Not easy. Some weeks are so crazy that we grab a carton of ice cream from Publix and some chocolate syrup. Some aren't as bad and we'll whip up some fantastic concoction. 

Anyway, I hope this brief post has explained a little about our baking fetish and it's roots. You're more than welcome to join us for Family Dessert if you're around on a Wednesday... Keep in mind, if you're a first timer you may or may not be asked to perform and song and dance for Big Joe for your initiation. I'm just saying.

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