Wednesday, August 18, 2010

From Elizabeth:

If you don't know my sister then you're straight up missing out on having a cool person in your life. Bold statement, I know. But,it's just true. Despite her age, Sarah is mature. She's witty but kind, confident but curious, unwavering but willing to try new things, graceful but assertive, tactful but sweet, traditional but innovative, competitive but thoughtful. She's the brains behind the operation. 
Sarah Being Cute as Always
A few years back Sarah thought it would be neat to have recipes from the governor of each state (I told you, COOL! I mean who thinks of that??). So she wrote each governor telling them about herself and her project and asked for recipe signature to the state. She got some really neat feedback! For instance from Delaware she got a recipe for Crab Cakes, from Georgia she got a recipe for Peach Cobbler, from Alaska she got a recipe for Baked Halibut and from Massachusetts she got a recipe for New England Clam Chowder.

The reason I'm explaining this is because one of our dear friends (our sweet swim coach from when sarah was this age) requested a recipe for Key Lime Pie. Thus, Sarah whipped out her handy State Recipe Book and we made a Key Lime Pie thanks to a previous Florida Governor. 

PS- We will not disclose names for recipes for confidentiality purposes. 

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, you guys are so sweet!! You both are such beautiful "women" (that makes me feel old!) now! Thank you for the shout out AND the recipe! I'm cooking tonight!!!
