Saturday, June 5, 2010

Background Check

As you follow our blog there are some things you should know about us that might help you understand our goals in writing this blog and help you understand why we are the way we are....
1- We grew up in a small town Alabama. About 30k people to be exact.
2- We LOVE to eat! We LOVE to cook!
3- While Elizabeth's creativity in the kitchen inspires dishes to die for, Sarah's sweet tooth guides her to baking about the meanest apple pie in Alabama.
4- We are the only girls in a family of nine children... Yes, that means we have 7 brothers... SEVEN. Having so many boys around forced us to learn how to cook for hard-working, needy men which, hopefully, will come in handy in the long run. 
5- Our dearest Mother is old-school and taught us everything we know about cooking and started when we were young
6- We believe that anyone can cook! And we want to help you learn! Most of the recipes we will post will be Southern, simple and delish! We will try our hand at some new things and you can walk us through those, even if they fail...
PS- In a random conversation we had, we were surprised to find out that we shared the same far fetched dream... opening a bakery in a foreign country (weird, we know). Foreign country- not likely. Bakery- definite potential. Blog- IN PROGRESS.

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